Some compounds especially sulphur dioxide (SO^ sub 2^) is considered as typical indicators of the urban air quality. To inform decisions regarding, for instance, the protection of public health from elevated SO^ sub 2^ levels in Balikesir, high-resolution maps are necessary. Therefore, the main objectives of this paper were to:(1) analyze the spatial distribution of SO^ sub 2^ levels using geostatistical techniques;(2) incorporate this information in a GIS to produce accurate SO2. Geostatistics provides useful technique to get estimates of values of the studied variable at un-sampled locations, considering the spatial distribution pattern and integrating information from sample points and observed trends. In the study, the data were compiled from 20 monitoring stations, using passive sampling, geographically distributed throughout the study area, which provide information about the SO^ sub 2^, spatial coordinates, and …
Google Akademik makaleleri
LH Tecer, S Tagil – International Multidisciplinary Scientific …, 2011
İlgili makaleler 7 sürümün hepsi
Yazar: Lokman Hakan Tecer, Sermin Tagil
Yayın tarihi: 2011/5/1
Dergi: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM
Cilt: 2
Sayfalar: 469
Yayıncı: Surveying Geology & Mining Ecology Management (SGEM)