The meteorological and topographical structures of cities and urban settlements are affected to air pollutants’ dispersion, deposition and chemical conversion processes, dramatically. The aim of this study is to examine and determine the relation of each other in temporal distribution of daily, monthly and seasonal SO2 and PM10 of the mass concentrations in Ergene Basin in Turkey. The average concentrations of SO2 and PM10 mass are monitored every 24 hour, these average concentrations are in order of 59, 61 μg/m3 and 68, 97 μg/m3. The concentrations of SO2 and PM10 are higher in winter season than the other months because in winter season the combustion of fossil fuel is high for heating. The results show that how urban heating are contributed to increase in SO2 and PM10 concentration. According to result of this study, SO2 and PM10 episodes are affected by meteorological parameters. It has been …