Yazarlar: Lokman H Tecer, Ali Yılmaz, Yılmaz Yıldırım
Yayın tarihi: 2004
Konferans: Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XVI
Sayfalar: 637-638
Yayıncı: Springer US
In this study air pollution level in the city center of Sivas for a 10 years’ period was analyzed. Winter season’ and annual averages of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter measurements have been carried out in central area of Sivas by City Health Management. Specifically the winter seasons’ concentrations are presented and their causes and their change with respect to meteorological parameters are discussed. The statistical relations between pollutants and meteorological parameters have been found to be significant.
Google Akademik makaleleri
Statistical Modeling of Winter Air-Pollution Study in Urban Area of Sivas, Turkey
LH Tecer, A Yılmaz, Y Yıldırım – Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XVI, 2004