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Potential sources and measured concentrations of VOCs in Balikesir ambient atmosphere

The assessment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) has become an important field of interest in atmospheric pollution. This study quantifies and characterizes the ambient levels and spatial distribution of VOCs in urban and rural areas of Balikesir city, Turkey. For these assessments, passive sampling of VOCs performed at approximately 50 locations in and around the city of Balikesir. Twenty-five VOCs were regularly monitored and analyzed with the GC-FID system. The sampling periods were carried out for seven-day periods during March and August 2010. In the study, mean∑ VOC concentrations were found to be as high 67 and 51 µg m-3 for the winter and summer seasons, respectively. Median concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m, p-xylene and o-xylene were 2.6, 11, 1.30, 1.80 and 0.73 μg m-3, respectively. Although there were some changes between concentrations of VOC groups between the summer and winter campaigns, differences were not dramatic. Winter-to-summer ratios of the target compounds ranged from 0.2 (1, 2, 4-trimethylbenzene) to 9 (hexane). Most of the target compounds have higher concentrations in winter. Only few VOCs, including n-propylbenzene, 1, 2, 4-trimethylbenzene, 1-undecene and 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene have higher concentrations in summer. Spatial distribution of VOCs demonstrated that the roads are hot spots for measured VOC concentrations. The drinking water treatment plant, industrial solvent emissions from pesticide and insecticide applications in agriculture, and emissions from traffic were the sources that contribute to total VOC load in the Balikesir atmosphere.

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