Laboratory experiments on the investigation of the effects of sulphuric acid on the deterioration of carbonate stones and surface corrosion

In this study, the effect of sulphuric acid, the major constituent of acid rain, on carbonate stones has been investigated. For this purpose, samples from historical buildings of Sivas city have been collected. The minerological composition of the samples has been analysed by X-RD analysis and it was found that the major constituent of these stones was calcite. Loss of material and surface corrosion have been determined for these samples by washing the samples with sulphuric acid to similate the effect of acid rain. Material losses of the samples was 1–4% in the case of sulphuric acid washing. After 24 hr corrosion exposure the crystal boundaries were corroded, the pores were deepened and widened. The results have indicated the impact of the polluted atmospheric and high relative rain on historical buildings in the city.

Alıntılanma sayısı: 51

Karbonat taşlarının bozulması ve yüzey korozyonu üzerine sülfürik asidin etkilerinin araştırılmasına yönelik laboratuvar deneyleri

Bu çalışmada, asit yağmurlarının ana bileşeni olan sülfürik asidin karbonat taşları üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla Sivas şehrindeki tarihi yapılardan numuneler toplanmıştır. Numunelerin mineralojik bileşimleri X-RD analizi ile incelenmiş ve bu taşların ana bileşeninin kalsit olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu numuneler asit yağmurunun etkisini taklit etmek için sülfürik asitle yıkanarak bu numuneler için malzeme kaybı ve yüzey korozyonu belirlenmiştir. Sülfürik asitle yıkama durumunda numunelerdeki malzeme kaybı %1-4 olmuştur. 24 saatlik korozyon maruziyetinden sonra kristal sınırları aşınmış, gözenekler derinleşmiş ve genişlemiştir. Sonuçlar kirli atmosferin ve yüksek bağıl yağışın şehirdeki tarihi yapılar üzerindeki etkisini göstermiştir.

A factor analysis study: Air pollution, meteorology, and hospital admissions for respiratory diseases

It is well known that air pollution exerts adverse effects on health and environment. Balıkesir located in the Marmara region (Turkey) has serious air pollution problems produced by heating in the months of winter. In this study, the effect of exposure to air pollution on hospital admission for respiratory illnesses among children and adults was examined. Epidemiological data from records of hospitals, air pollutants and meteorological data were used. During July 2005–July 2007 period, there was a total of 280,426 hospital admissions for respiratory diseases. In a population-based analysis, 9 children were admitted for asthma, 17 children for acute bronchitis, and 20 children for lower respiratory diseases out of 100 children. There was a significant increase in the hospital admissions for respiratory diseases and air pollutants from October to March. It was concluded that children living in the city suffer from respiratory …

Alıntılanma sayısı: 22

Spatial distribution of BTEX and inorganic pollutants during summer season in Yalova, Turkey

The objective of this research is to determine the atmospheric concentrations and spatial distribution of benzene (B), toluene (T), ethylbenzene (E) and xylenes (X)(BTEX) and inorganic air pollutants (O3, NO2 and SO2) in the Yalova atmosphere during summer 2015. In this study, a combination of passive sampling and Geographical Information System-based geo-statistics are used with spatial statistics of autocorrelation to characterise the spatial pattern of the quality of air based on concentrations of these pollutants in Yalova. The spatial temporal variations of pollutants in the air with five types of land-use, residence, rural, highway, side road and industrial areas were investigated at 40 stations in Yalova between 7th August 2015 and 26th August 2015 using passive sampling. An inverse distance weighting interpolation technique was used to estimate variables at an unmeasured location from observed values at nearby locations. The spatial autocorrelation of air pollutants in the city was investigated using the statistical methods of Moran’s I in addition to the Getis Ord Gi. During the summer, highway and industrial sites had higher levels of BTEX then rural areas. The average concentration of toluene was measured to be 5.83 µg/m3 and this is the highest pollutant concentration. Average concentrations of NO2, O3 and SO2 are 35.64, 84.23 and 3.95 µg/m3, respectively. According to the global results of Moran’s I; NO2 and BTEX had positive correlations on a global space at a significant rate. Moreover, the autocorrelation analysis on the local space demonstrated significant hot spots on industrial sites and along the main roads.

Alıntılanma sayısı: 10


In this study, Statistical analysis were applied a historical set of rainfall and temperature data collected at the Rize (Northeastern Turkey, 410. 00 N; 400. 50′ E). In the climate change analysis, increasing trends of approximately 0.9 0C and 2.3 0C in 27 years in the mean annual and mean maximum annual temperature were found, respectively. There was variability among years, with a standard deviation of 0.6 0C where the average for 27 years period is 14 0C. The trend is towards a warmer climate and two periods were detected: 1975-1993 and 1994-2001, which had average temperature 13.8 0C and 14.6 0C respectively. The trend of the first period is towards a cooler climate, whereas the trend of the second period is towards a warmer climate.

In the analysis, annual, seasonal and monthly precipitations were considered. Results showed that the trend is towards a wetter climate, with an estimated increase of about 222 mm in the whole period. Two period, averaging 2092 mm and 2279 mm respectively were detected from fluctuation in rainfall. The trend of the first period (1975-1984) is towards a drier climate, whereas the trend of the second period (1985-2001) is towards a wetter climate. alanından [PDF]

FİZİKA 2005 CİLD XI № 1-2

The internal friction and the shear modulus have been investigated in PbTe crystals, undopped and dopped by chromium till the temperature 650 C. It has been established at the first time, that the shear modulus increases at the room temperature in the dopped PbTe almost in 2, 5 times, and the elastic limit increases in 5-6 times.

The lead telluride, belonging to the narrow-band semiconductor materials, is widely used in the modern semiconductor technique for the production of lasers and photodetectors in the infrared-ray spectrum region, and also for the production of the high-effective thermoelectric transducers. The investigation of the types of the structural defects and their thermal stability, their influence on the structural-sensitive mechanical properties will cause the expansion of the possibilities of their use in many respects. Such kind of the investigation can be carried out successfully with the use of the acoustic spectroscopy methods, allowing us to define the absolute values of elastic constants, to estimate activation parameters of the different defects and their contribution in the formation of the mechanical properties. alanından [PDF]

Temperature trends and changes in Rize, Turkey, for the period 1975 to 2007

There is increasing evidence that the global climate is changing as a result of anthropogenic activity. Short‐term mean, maximum, and minimum temperatures of the city Rize located at the Eastern Black Sea Coast of Turkey were analyzed to reveal trends, change points, significant warming (cooling) periods, and trend rates per year. An increasing trend of approximately 1.27°C/33 years (α = 0.001) in the annual mean temperatures is found during the period from 1975 to 2007. Two periods, averaging 13.78 and 14.66°C, respectively, were detected from fluctuation in the annual mean temperatures. The trend of the first period (1975–1993) is towards a cooler climate, whereas the trend of the second period (1994–2007) is towards a warmer climate. Summer, autumn and, particularly, the spring mean temperatures have tended to increase strongly, whereas the winter mean temperatures have increased slightly over …

Alıntılanma sayısı: 22

Yayın Hayatına Başlarken-Prof. Dr. Lokman Hakan TECER (NKÜ Çorlu Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanı)

Trakya’nın kalbinde 1992 yılında kurulan Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Çorlu Mühendislik Fakültesi’nin “European Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (EJEAS)” isimli dergisi yayın hayatına başlıyor. Temel ve uygulamalı mühendislik konularında evrensel düzeyde bilgi üretmek, ürettiği bilgiyle teknolojik gelişmelere yön verebilmek ve bu bilgileri toplumsal faydaya dönüştürmek misyonuna sahip Fakültemizin bu ilk sayısı ile yayın hayatına kazandırdığı dergimiz yılda iki kez yayınlanacaktır.

Calculation and temporal variability of ventilation coefficient depending on location and characteristics of houses in Balikesir city center

In recent years, there has been much research on indoor air quality, owing to a growing interest in improvement of air quality in residential buildings. People spend most of their time indoors, where air quality is affected by many factors such as location and structure of housing, ventilation systems, and comfort parameters. CO2 and other indoor gas concentrations are important indicators of indoor air quality. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of various factors such as location and characteristics of housing and smoking status on carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and air exchange rates in 29 representative buildings in Balikesir, Turkey. CO2 concentrations were measured using a non-dispersive infrared method, air changes per hour (ACH) were estimated using a CO2 balance method, and other parameters were recorded. Mean CO2 concentrations were 667 and 1011 ppm in summer and winter, respectively. Estimated mean air exchange rates were 1.04 and 0.70 ACH in summer and winter, respectively. The analysis showed that CO2 concentrations and ACH were affected by the area of houses, season, ventilation systems and ventilation duration. CO2 concentrations in winter were higher in all buildings relative to summer in the residential area. Air exchange rates were primarily affected by duration of ventilation, house area, distances to main roads, and smoking status.

The importance of total solid content and the decomposition kinetics for biogas production from livestock animal waste.

The Importance of Total Solid Content and the Decomposition Kinetics for Biogas Production From Livestock Animal Waste Ahmet GUN Page 1 -192- BALNIMALCON 2013 The Importance of Total Solid Content and the Decomposition Kinetics for Biogas Production From Livestock Animal Waste Ahmet GUNAY1*, Lokman Hakan TECER 2** 1İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Çevre Koruma Müdürlüğü, 34169 Merter-Gungoren Istanbul. Tel: +90 536 690 55 16, Fax: +90 212 449 94 94; * 2Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Çorlu Mühendislik Fakültesi, Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, Çorlu, Tekirdağ, ** Abstract In parallel with the development of the culture of the organized production of livestock animal waste is becoming more important waste disposal. Not only in terms of waste management, animal waste, but also in terms of energy production must be addressed. Although it was …


Epidemiological studies have shown a significant impact of fine particles below 10 mm (PM10) on human health. Due to the increasing interest for the fine particles (PM2. 5) the measurement programme of the network has been extended to include PM2. 5 measurements into the measurement programme at several countries. In this work, Characterising seasonal variations of mass concentration of fine (PM2. 5) and coarse (PM2. 5-10) during October 2009 to October 2010 has been investigated. A total of 337 samplers were collected during this study period using Anderson Dichotomous sampler. The average mass concentration of PM2. 5 and PM2. 5-10 and PM10 was found as 31.07 µg/m3, 15.52 µg/m3 and 46.53 µg/m3 respectively. The concentration of PM2. 5, and PM10 were higher in heating seasons than in summer time. As expected, the low temperature is associated with an increase in the number of …

Yazar: Lokman Hakan Tecer

Yayın tarihi: 2012/7/1

Dergi: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM

Cilt: 4

Sayfalar: 277

Yayıncı: Surveying Geology & Mining Ecology Management (SGEM)