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Inhalation and dermal exposure to atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and associated carcinogenic risks in a relatively small city

The aim of this study was to conduct a carcinogenic risk assessment for exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) via routes of inhalation and dermal contact. Concentrations of 19 PAH species were determined during a heating period at a site in the city of Balikesir, Turkey. Two questionnaires were administered to a sample of inhabitants to determine time-activity budgets and demographic information. The assessment was conducted for each participant and Balikesir population by deterministic and probabilistic approaches, respectively. Monte Carlo simulation was implemented to determine the population exposure-risk probability distributions. The estimates were based on benzo[a]pyrene equivalent (BaPeq) total PAH concentrations calculated using toxic equivalency factors. The mean and median BaPeq concentrations of gaseous and particulate phases were 3.25 and 1.34, and 38.5 and 34.0 ng/m …


Elif Gungormus, Semra Tuncel, Lokman Hakan Tecer, Sait C Sofuoglu

Alıntılanma sayısı: 46

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