The internal friction and the shear modulus have been investigated in PbTe crystals, undopped and dopped by chromium till the temperature 650 C. It has been established at the first time, that the shear modulus increases at the room temperature in the dopped PbTe almost in 2, 5 times, and the elastic limit increases in 5-6 times.
The lead telluride, belonging to the narrow-band semiconductor materials, is widely used in the modern semiconductor technique for the production of lasers and photodetectors in the infrared-ray spectrum region, and also for the production of the high-effective thermoelectric transducers. The investigation of the types of the structural defects and their thermal stability, their influence on the structural-sensitive mechanical properties will cause the expansion of the possibilities of their use in many respects. Such kind of the investigation can be carried out successfully with the use of the acoustic spectroscopy methods, allowing us to define the absolute values of elastic constants, to estimate activation parameters of the different defects and their contribution in the formation of the mechanical properties. alanından [PDF]